Do you find BAS a bit of a bore? 8 Collective Gold Coast Tax Accountants are able to help prepare and lodge your quarterly Business Activity Statements.
BAS stands for Business Activity Statement, and it’s a form, lodged online, that businesses in Australia use to report their tax obligations. It’s a necessary evil for businesses registered for GST, but don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Our team of accountants are BAS aficionados, ready to handle your quarterly obligations, leaving you free to focus on the other parts of your business.
Say goodbye to headaches and hello to peace of mind. We take care of all the paperwork and quarterly BAS lodgements for you, so you can bid farewell to those late-night battles with the ATO website, and make BAS a breeze.
Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA)
Bachelor of Business (Accounting), Griffith University
Chartered Accountant (CA)
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance), Bond University
Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA)
Bachelor of Professional Accountancy, RMIT
Sit back, relax, and let us handle the BAS. We can help with your quarterly Business Activity Statements (BAS) from $300 + GST per quarter. Get in touch to be paired with one of our accountants.
Tax Accountants and Business Advisors, experts in small-medium business growth & tax planning. From start ups to established businesses, 8 Collective are here to help you achieve your business goals.
8 Collective is a CPA Practice.
© Copyright 8 Collective Pty Ltd. ABN 98 117 059 391 Limited Liability by scheme approved under professional standards legislations.